Established in the higher education sector, COMPAS can be adapted for implementation in other sectors such as mining, construction, first responders, and defence.

COMPAS is a novel screening and referral program that can identify people who are likely to be at heightened suicide risk within the next 12 months and reach out to offer support before people reach crisis point. COMPAS partners with Curtin University to ensure the highest level of service, research, and training.

We are proud to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our lived experience team to the COMPAS project. Their insights and perspectives are crucial to our co-design approach, ensuring that the project is guided by those with firsthand experience. By collaborating closely with the lived experience team, we strive to create a more inclusive and effective initiative that truly addresses the needs and concerns of the community we serve.

Watch Mel's story to learn why COMPAS is important

Click here to buy Small Things by Mel Tregonning

With thanks to our Founding Supporters